In an email to me: (I withheld the names) ******** It appears there are 2 distinct spraying programs in effect, the most visible, the chemtrails, may be an attempt to mitigate the rapid changes on the surface due to fossil fuel global warming! The effort, albeit, misguided, is international in scope and consists in grid dissemination of aluminum oxides in an attempt to reflect solar radiation back into space and keep the surface cooler. This is government/corporate and is an attempt to allow the oil barons to continue business as usual, continued suppression of alternate and eco-friendly technologies until they have exhausted their stores between 2010 and 2020, I believe this represents desperation and is doomed to failure-----------the second and even more worrisome spraying, a low level dissemination and a truly black program called by some the social-security bacterium is possibly an attempt to glean the oldersters and save billions in Fed outlays, this attempt may be or have a two-fold purpose. To vaccinate the younger producers with antibiological w arfare protection with the side effect of removing those whose immune-systems are less strong due to age . This may have not been done intentionally but the results are there any how. Those suffering from long term, bacterial upper respiratory infections should seek out tetracycline full spectrum anti-bacterial treatments, if the infection has flu like symptoms that linger for more than 10 days. Since the Bush Admininistration allowed U.S. producers to sell Microcystis-incognitos (sp?) to Iraq we have feared that we would get it back via terrorist attacks. This bacterium is possibly the precursor of Gulf War Syndrome. So friends,keep your eyes on the sky an head for the Doc when symptoms arise. (name withheld) ********